Filter Expressions


Intelligence API supports a subset of OData filter operators:

Comparison operators

Operator Description Example
eq Equal City eq 'Redmond'
ne Not equal City ne 'London'
gt Greater than Price gt 20
ge Greater than or equal Price ge 10
lt Less than Price lt 20
le Less than or equal Price le 100
in Is a member of City in ('Redmond', 'London')

Logical operators

Operator Description Example
and Logical and Price le 200 and Price gt 3.5
or Logical or Price le 3.5 or Price gt 200
not Logical negation not endswith(Description,'milk')

Grouping operators

Operator Description Example
() Precedence grouping (Price eq 5) or (City eq 'London')

String functions

Function Example
contains contains(CompanyName,'freds')
endswith endswith(CompanyName,'Futterkiste')
startswith startswith(CompanyName,'Alfr')

Filter Expressions and Types

The filter expressions will be sensitive to the expressions field’s types. Below is a table outlining the supported types and examples of appropriate filter expressions.

Celonis Data Type Celonis Data Format Filter Example Filter results (mapping to PQL)
String Standard (No format)
Name eq 'John Doe'
“TABLE”.“Name” = ‘John Doe’
Boolean True/False
Active eq true
“TABLE”.“Active”” = 0
Integer Standard (No format)
Age eq 10
“TABLE”.“Age” = 10
Rounded (,.0f)
Percentage (%)
Decimal Number (#.##)
Abbreviated (##.#k)
Float Standard (No format)
Ratio eq 10.2
“TABLE”.“Ratio” = 10.2
Rounded (,.0f)
Percentage (%)
Decimal Number (#.##)
Abbreviated (##.#k)
Date Standard (No format)
Date eq 2015-05-07
TO_STRING(“TABLE”.“Date”, FORMAT (‘%Y-%m-%d’)) = ‘2015-05-07’
Date (Y-M-D)
Date and Time (Y-M-D H:M)
Time or DateTime or Timestamp Standard (No format)
Date eq 2023-12-05T15:48:44Z
Date eq 2023-12-05T15:48Z
Date eq 2023-12-05T15:48+03:00
TO_STRING(“TABLE”.“Date”, FORMAT (‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’)) = ‘2015-05-07 15:48:44’
TO_STRING(“TABLE”.“Date”, FORMAT (‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M’)) = ‘2015-05-07 15:48’
Date (Y-M-D)
Date and Time (Y-M-D H:M)
Time (H:M)

Using the filterExpr parameter

To filter data of a single record of a given Knowledge Model

Intelligence API provides an endpoint for getting data from a Knowledge Model Record:

  • Getting Record Data It uses the filterExpr parameter to introduce the filter expressions. For example: filterExpr=active eq true and name eq ‘John Doe’ The field identifier is the Celonis Studio attribute ID and is case-sensitive . Also, Intelligence API supports multi-parameter values, which will be handled by concatenating the filter expressions with the and operator. So, the previous filter expression can be also sent like this: filterExpr=active eq true&filterExpr=name eq ‘John Doe’

    To filter data of any record and/or KPI of a given Knowledge Model

    Intelligence API also provides an endpoint to get data from different records of a Knowledge Model and combine them with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators):

  • Getting Knowledge Model Data It uses the filterExpr parameter to introduce filter expressions, providing greater flexibility when querying different data within the Knowledge Model. To achieve this, you must specify both the record and the field to filter, allowing you to combine fields from different records within the same Knowledge Model. For example: eq ‘Release Order’ and eq true The field identifier is the Celonis Studio record ID and attribute ID which are case-sensitive . Also, Intelligence API supports multi-parameter values, which will be handled by concatenating the filter expressions with the and operator. So, the previous filter expression can be also sent like this: eq ‘Release Order’& eq true