Common API Error Catalog

This article identifies the common error codes and messages that all Celonis APIs return. Specifically, the errors listed here are in the global, or default, domain for Celonis APIs. Many APIs also define their own domains, which identify API-specific errors that are not in the global domain.

Authentication & Authorization Errors

Returned when Response
Status code Example
Request does not provide a Bearer token. 401
{"error": "Unauthorized"}
The Bearer token is passed but is empty or follows an invalid format. 401
Invalid "Authorization" header format. 
Should start either with "Bearer " or "AppKey " (case insensitive).
The user does not have permission to access a specific resource (e.g. a Knowledge Model). 403
   "title": "Access Denied.",
   "status": 403,
   "detail": "Access is denied",
   "errorCode": "ADMIN_ACCESS_ERROR"
The API is disabled 403

Common Errors

Returned when Response
Status code Example
Sending an invalid format as part of the page parameter. 400
   "title": "Query parameter type mismatch.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Query parameter 'page' must be of type 'Integer'.",
Sending an invalid format as part of the pageSize parameter. 400
   "title": "Query parameter type mismatch.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Query parameter 'pageSize' must be of type 'Integer'.",
Requesting a non-existing path. 404
   "title": "Path not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Path /intelligence/api/knowledge-models not found",
Unexpected server-side error. 500
   "title": "Unexpected error.",
   "status": 500,
   "detail": "Something went wrong while handling the request. Please contact Celonis customer support. Celonis Support ID: 671d3bdc-9feb-45ff-b367-7b47470d4680",
   "errorCode": "ADMIN_FATAL_ERROR"
Rate limit has been exceeded. 429
   "title": "Rate limit exceeded",
   "status": 429,
   "detail": "Rate limit for INTELLIGENCE_API_RATE_LIMIT is exceeded. Please try again at 06:10:41 UTC.",
   "errorCode": "LIMIT_RATE_EXCEEDED"
Rate limit is not found for the size defition. 404
   "title": "Limit MAX_REQUESTS not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Limit MAX_REQUESTS in size L not found.",
   "errorCode": "LIMIT_SIZE_NOTFOUND"
Rate limit is not properly configured. 404
   "title": "Limit MAX_REQUESTS not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Limit MAX_REQUESTS not properly configured.",
   "errorCode": "LIMIT_NOTFOUND"