Power Automate Celonis Process Management Connector

Coming Soon

Creating a connection

To create a connection with Celonis Process Management you need a connection string. To get the connection string, go to Admin Page > Services > Automation and create a new authentication token (or use an existing one) under the data-Rest-API endpoint. This token needs Architect permissions if you want to use the full feature set provided by the Celonis Process Management Connector. The Power Automate Connection String can be found within the detail pane of the token (see below).

Power Automate Connection String

Copy the connection string and paste it into the Power Automate Connection String settings window. Give your connection an appropriate name and click Create.

Celonis Process Management Connector Connection

Celonis Process Management Connector Trigger

When an element is created The trigger will fire when a Celonis Process Management element is created
When an element is changed The trigger will fire when a Celonis Process Management element is changed
When an element is deleted The trigger will fire when a Celonis Process Management element is deleted
When an element is released The trigger will fire when a Celonis Process Management element is released

You can find more information about each trigger and how to adjust their settings below. Note that the display name of the parameters is usually shown. However, that display name is then resolved to its internal API name.

When an element is created

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string Yes The Celonis Process Management facet name e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string No The type of Celonis Process Management element for which the trigger will fire e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
State string No The state of the created Celonis Process Management element e.g. "inProcess".
Name Description
Element id The id of the created element.
Element Name The name of the created element.
Type Name The type name of the created element e.g. "Main process", "Risk", .etc.
Type Key The type key of the created element e.g. "mainProcess", "risk", .etc.
Source URL The base link to the created element.
State Name The state of the created Celonis Process Management element e.g. "inProcess"
Created-by Name The name of the user who created the element.
Created on The time the element was created.
Changed by Name The last user who changed the element.
Changed on The last time that the current element has been changed.
Author Name The name of the user who created the element.
Valid until Until which date the element will be valid.
Version The current version of the element.
gotoUrl A link to the element.
Is Released A boolean attribute to indicate if the element has been released.
Major Version The last stable released version of the element.
Minor Version The last version.

When an element is changed

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string Yes The Celonis Process Management facet name e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string No The Celonis Process Management type of the element that the trigger will fire for e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
State string No The state of the changed Celonis Process Management element e.g. "inProcess", "readyForRelease".
Name Description
Element id The id of the changed element.
Element Name The name of the changed element.
Type Name The type name of the created element e.g. "Main process", "Risk", .etc.
Type Key The type key of the created element e.g. "mainProcess", "risk", .etc.
Source URL The base link to the changed element.
State Name The State of the changed element e.g. "inProcess".
Created-by Name The name of the user who changed the element.
Created on The time the element was changed.
Changed by Name The last user who changed the element.
Changed on The last time that the current element has been changed.
Author Name The name of the user who changed the element.
Valid until Until which date the element will be valid.
Version The current version of the element.
gotoUrl A link to the element.
Is Released A boolean attribute to indicate if the element has been released.
Major Version The last stable released version of the element.

When an element is deleted

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string Yes The Celonis Process Management facet name e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string No The Celonis Process Management type of the element that the trigger will fire for e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
State string No The state of the deleted Celonis Process Management element e.g. "inProcess".
Name Description
Element id The id of the deleted element.
Element Name The name of the deleted element.
Type Name The type name of the created element e.g. "Main process", "Risk", etc.
Type Key The type key of the created element e.g. "mainProcess", "risk", etc.
Source URL The base link to the deleted element.
State Name The State of the deleted element e.g. "inProcess".
Created-by Name The name of the user who deleted the element.
Created on The time the element was deleted.
Changed by Name The last user who changed the element.
Changed on The last time that the current element has been changed.
Author Name The name of the user who deleted the element.
Valid until Until which date the element will be valid.
Version The current version of the element.
gotoUrl A link to the element.
Is Released A boolean attribute to indicate if the element has been released.
Major Version The last stable released version of the element.

When an element is released

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string Yes The Celonis Process Management facet name e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string No The type of Celonis Process Management element for which the trigger will fire e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
Name Description
Element id The id of the released element.
Element Name The name of the released element.
Type Name The type name of the created element e.g. "Main process", "Risk", .etc.
Type Key The type key of the created element e.g. "mainProcess", "risk", .etc.
Source URL The base link to the released element.
State Name The State of the released element e.g. "inProcess".
Created-by Name The name of the user who released the element.
Created on The time the element was released.
Changed by Name The last user who changed the element.
Changed on The last time that the current element has been changed.
Author Name The name of the user who released the element.
Valid until Until which date the element will be valid.
Version The current version of the element.
gotoUrl The link to the element.
Is Released A boolean attribute to indicate if the element has been released.
Major Version The last stable released version of the element.

Celonis Process Management Connector Actions

Create element Create a new Celonis Process Management element
Change element Change the properties of a given Celonis Process Management element
Get element by id Get a Celonis Process Management element using its ID (ContextKey)
Get all elements Get all Celonis Process Management elements of a specified view

Create element

Name Type Is required Description
Name string yes The name of the Celonis Process Management element.
Facet string yes The name of the Facet e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string yes The type name of the created element e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
Description string no The description of the created element.
parentId string no The ID of the parent of the created element (if not given the element will be created as an orphaned element).
Created On date no The date of the created element.
Author string no The name of the user who will create the element.
Responsible string no The name of the responsible user of the created element.
Properties string no Additional properties of the element (coming soon).

The outputs of this operation will represent the created element.

Change element

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string yes The name of the Facet e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
Type string yes The type name of the changed element e.g. "Sub process" (subProcess) , "Risk" (risk), etc.
Attribute string yes The attribute name that you want to change. This value will be provided to you after specifying the facet and the type of the element
Value string yes The value of what you want to change the specified attribute to
id string yes The id of the element you want to change
lcid string no The specific language ID (1033 English, 1031 German).

Get element by id

Name Type Is required Description
id string yes The ID (ContextKey) of the Celonis Process Management element.
lcid string no The specific language ID (1033 English, 1031 German).
Include Null string no If you want to get attributes that don't have a value associated to them

The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get all elements

Name Type Is required Description
Facet string yes The Celonis Process Management facet name e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
View string no The name of the facet e.g. "Systems" (it), "Customers" (customerstructure), etc.
lcid string no The specific language ID (1033 English, 1031 German).
Filter string no A specific filter query used when retrieving the result. E.g. name -eq 'celonis'
Order By string no The order by expression. (Mostly relevant when iterating through pages)
Page Number date no The number of the result page to retrieve
Page Size string no How many elements will be retrieved per page
Page Selection Key string no If not page number is specified, the page containing the element with the provided id will be returned.
Include Null bool no If yes the null elements/properties will be included (default no).

An array of elements that each have the following dynamic content:

Name Description
id The id of the element.
name The name of the element.
Type Name The type name of the created element e.g. "Main process", "Risk", .etc.
Type Key The type key of the created element e.g. "mainProcess", "risk", .etc.
Source URL The base link to the element.
State Name The State of the element e.g. "inProcess".
Created by Name The name of the user who created the element.
CreatedByID The id of the user who created the element.
CreatedOn The time of when the element was created.
Changed by Name The last user who changed the element.
Changed on The last time that the element has been changed.
Author Name The name of the user who created the element.
Valid until Until which date the element will be valid.
Version The current version of the element.
gotoUrl A link to the element.
isReleased A boolean attribute to indicate if the element has been released.
editorCanInsert A boolean attribute to indicate whether an editor can insert new elements or not.
ResponsibleID The id of the user who is responsible for the element.
ResponsibleName The name of the user who is responsible for the element.
item The current element.