Pushing data to the Celonis Platform using the Standard Data Ingestion API

Limited availability

This functionality is currently in limited availability. If you’re interested in trying it out, get in touch with us at Celopeers.


The Standard Data Ingestion API allows you to push real-time data to the Celonis Platform using your existing IT systems. This AWS S3 compatible API operates on events/notifications that get triggered whenever a new file reaches the API and automatically picks it up and processes it to a data pool.

For an overview of this API, see Standard Data Ingestion API.

When using the Data Ingestion API, the following apply:

  • File formats: Uncompressed parquet files only. Alternative file formats must be converted to parquet before being ingested.
  • Extractions: The Standard Data Ingestion API always performs delta loads when primary keys are defined.
  • File uploads: Single files and multiple files simultaneously (using a first in, first out or FIFO method).
  • Data types: Flat and nested.

For a video overview of this method: