Intelligence API Error Catalog

This section documents the errors that Intelligence APIs may return (standard error messages are described in Common API Error Catalog).

Schema Endpoints Errors

Returned when Response
Status code Example
Requesting a non-existing field in the sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Some fields in sort don't exist in fields.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "The sort field does not exist.",
   "errorCode": "SORT_UNKNOWN_FIELD"
Sending, as part of the sort parameter, the same field with opposite sorting criterias. 400
   "title": "Some sort fields have duplicated fields.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Conflicting sort parameters: duplicate fields with opposite directions.",
   "errorCode": "SORT_HAS_OPPOSITE"
Sending an empty sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Sort parameter error length.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Sort parameter should not be empty.",
   "errorCode": "SORT_IS_EMPTY"
Referencing a non-existing Knowledge Model. 404
   "title": "Knowledge Model not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Knowledge Model with id 'XXXX' was not found.",
   "errorCode": "KM_MODEL_NOTFOUND"
Referencing a non-existing record. 404
   "title": "Record not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "The record Id: XXXX wasn't found",
   "errorCode": "KM_RECORD_NOTFOUND"

Data Endpoint Errors

Returned when Response
Status code Example
Not sending the fields and kpis parameters. 400
   "title": "Missing parameters.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Required request parameter 'fields' for method parameter type List is not present",
Passing an empty fields parameter. 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[fields: size must be between 1 and 200]",
Requesting a non-existing field as part of the fields parameter. 400
   "title": "Field not found.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Fields not found: test. Note: Fields are case sensitive.",
   "errorCode": "KM_FIELD_NOTFOUND"
Requesting a non-existing field in the sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Unknown sorting fields",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "These fields don't exist at the given record [test].",
   "errorCode": "SORT_UNKNOWN_FIELD"
Referencing a non-existing filter as part of the filters parameter. 404
   "title": "Filter not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Filter not Found: name.",
Using a non-filterable field in the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Field not filterable.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Field not filterable: mykpi",
Using an invalid expression as part of the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Invalid expression structure.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid expression structure: mykpi eq",
Using an invalid operator for the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Invalid expression Operator.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid expression Operator: sq",
Using an invalid syntax for the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": Failure getting results.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Syntax error found in filterExpr. Please refer to the API documentation.",
Sending a page bigger than 19.(When using pageSize = 50) 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[page: value must be between 0 and 19]",
   "errorCode": "PAGE_VALUE_ILLEGAL"
Sending a pageSize bigger than 50. 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[pageSize: size must be between 1 and 50]",
   "errorCode": "PAGE_SIZE_ILLEGAL"
Sending special characters in the sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Special characters are not allowed.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Some special characters were found and they are not allowed for querying.",
Specifying a date in filterExpr in the wrong format. 400
   "title": "Invalid Value format.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid Value format: ",
   "errorCode": "GENERAL_WRONG_VALUE"
Using an invalid option in options parameter. 400
   "title": "Query option not supported.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[options: illegal option 'invalid']",
   "errorCode": "OPTION_ILLEGAL",
There’s an unexpected error as part of this request. 400
   "title": No data found.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Error details",
   "errorCode": "GENERAL_EMPTY_DATA"
There’s an unexpected error as part of this request. 400
   "title": "Knowledge Model Field Id repeated.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Knowledge Model with repeated Field Ids: [FIELD_ID]. Please fix the Knowledge Model configuration.",
   "errorCode": "KM_FIELD_ID_DUPLICATED"
   "type": ""
Using malformed error when searchField or searchTerm are empty. 400
   "title": "Malformed expression",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Term and field search parameters should be filled",
Using error when searchField value is not exist. 400
   "title": "Search match field not found",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Field not found: XXX",
   "errorCode": "SEARCH_FIELD_NOT_FOUND"
Using error when kpis value is not exist. 400
   "title": "KPI not found.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "KPI not found: kpiId. Note: KPI are case sensitive.",
   "errorCode": "KM_KPI_NOTFOUND"
Using error when kpis value contains special characters. 400
   "title": "KPI not allowed.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "KPI contains not allowed special chars",
   "errorCode": "KM_KPI_ILLEGALCHARS"
Using error when fields value does not contain recordId. 400
   "title": "Field with wrong format.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Field with wrong format, it should contain recordId.fieldId: fieldId",

Query Endpoints Errors

Returned when Response
Status code Example
Not sending the fields parameter. 400
   "title": "Missing parameters.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Required request parameter 'fields' for method parameter type List is not present",
Passing an empty fields parameter. 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[fields: size must be between 1 and 200]",
Requesting a non-existing field as part of the fields parameter. 400
   "title": "Field not found.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Fields not found: test. Note: Fields are case sensitive.",
   "errorCode": "KM_FIELD_NOTFOUND"
Requesting a non-existing field in the sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Unknown sorting fields",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "These fields don't exist at the given record [test].",
   "errorCode": "SORT_UNKNOWN_FIELD"
Referencing a non-existing filter as part of the filters parameter. 404
   "title": "Filter not found.",
   "status": 404,
   "detail": "Filter not Found: name.",
Using a non-filterable field in the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Field not filterable.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Field not filterable: mykpi",
Using an invalid expression as part of the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Invalid expression structure.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid expression structure: mykpi eq",
Using an invalid operator for the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": "Invalid expression Operator.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid expression Operator: sq",
Using an invalid syntax for the filterExpr parameter. 400
   "title": Failure getting results.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Syntax error found in filterExpr. Please refer to the API documentation.",
Sending a page bigger than 19.(When using pageSize = 50) 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[page: value must be between 0 and 19]",
   "errorCode": "PAGE_VALUE_ILLEGAL"
Sending a pageSize bigger than 50. 400
   "title": "Some params have constraint violations.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[pageSize: size must be between 1 and 50]",
   "errorCode": "PAGE_SIZE_ILLEGAL"
Sending special characters in the sort parameter. 400
   "title": "Special characters are not allowed.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Some special characters were found and they are not allowed for querying.",
Specifying a date in filterExpr in the wrong format. 400
   "title": "Invalid Value format.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Invalid Value format: ",
   "errorCode": "GENERAL_WRONG_VALUE"
Using an invalid option in options parameter. 400
   "title": "Query option not supported.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "[options: illegal option 'invalid']",
   "errorCode": "OPTION_ILLEGAL",
There’s an unexpected error as part of this request. 400
   "title": No data found.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Error details",
   "errorCode": "GENERAL_EMPTY_DATA"
Using malformed error when searchField or searchTerm are empty. 400
   "title": "Malformed expression",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Term and field search parameters should be filled",
Using error when searchField value is not exist. 400
   "title": "Search match field not found",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Field not found: XXX",
   "errorCode": "SEARCH_FIELD_NOT_FOUND"
Sending special characters in the searchField parameter. 400
   "title": "Search match fields not allowed.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Search match fields contain prohibited special characters.",
Sending special characters in the searchTerm parameter. 400
   "title": "Search match terms not allowed.",
   "status": 400,
   "detail": "Search match terms contain prohibited special characters.",