Try it!
After reading all the documentation, you might want to give AI Agent API a try. For that, we have prepared a demo environment that anyone can access. Authentication is required, but any token that you pass should work, so no need to get a User or Application key in advance.
To show how this environment works, we will use Postman, but you can use any other REST client.
The URL where this API can be located is: Keep in mind that
for real production environments, the URL typically ends with /intelligence/api
and not /api
1. Create a new HTTP Request
Let's start this Tutorial by creating a new HTTP Request in Postman (File > New > HTTP Request). Make sure that you have selected a GET operation and paste the URL for the API next to it:
2. Configure authentication
Let's say we have our User API Key which is
. Go to Postman
and use this key for the Authentication header.
Click on Authorization
and select Bearer Token
for the Type. For the token, paste the above key.
3. Get the list of the AI tools of a specific Celonis Agent
Now we should be ready to start getting some information such as the full list of Tools of the Celonis Agent with {{Agent Id}}
equal to 362b0a99-8f8a-4be8-a49e-bc846e113cff
. For that, you need to add '/ai/agents/' + the agent Id + /tools/spec
at the end of the URL.
As we can see, an OpenAPI spec including the tool definitions and how to call them is returned.
4. Execute a specific tool of a Celonis Agent
Next, let's execute the tool with {{Tool Id}}
equal to pql_tool_get_information_by_claim
of Celonis Agent with {{Agent Id}}
equal to 362b0a99-8f8a-4be8-a49e-bc846e113cff
5. Chat with a specific Celonis Agent
Imagine you want to chat with a Celonis Agent to get some information. This is possible by adding /conversations
to the URL of the Celonis Agent.