
Filtering allows API consumers to only retrieve the desired records and not the whole data set. There are two ways to filter the data returned by the /data endpoint.

Predefined Knowledge Model Filters

  1. Apply filters pre-defined in the Knowledge Model by using the filters query parameter.
    Filters: A comma-separated list of filter ids.

    Note that:
    • The Celonis Platform Knowledge Model allows filters to be defined using the FILTER PQL operator as explained in the Celonis Platform documentation .
    • You can apply multiple filters by providing multiple filter ids separated by commas or use the filters parameter multiple times.
    • Remember this parameter is case sensitive. The filter ids must match the one returned by the filter schema endpoint ( /knowledge-models/{km_id}/filters ).


filters=not_null_orders,delayed_orders or filters=not_null_orders&filters=delayed_orders

Ad-hoc Filter Expressions

  1. Filter expression using the filterExpr query parameter.
    This parameter allows filtering of record data using a provided value of a field through an expression.

Legacy Filter Expressions

  1. First pattern field operator value where: * field is a filterable attribute, augmented attribute or flag of a record. This value is case-sensitive and should be equal to the attribute id. * operator is a comparison operator. For this pattern, it is currently supported by following operators: * eq(=), gt(>), lt(<), ne(!=), ge(>=), le(<=), is(IS) and in(IN) * value is a constant, such as a Salesforce Opportunity ID or a number/text.
    1. Second pattern operator(field,value) where:
      • operator is a string search operator,similar to the LIKE in the SQL clause. For this pattern, it is currently supported by following operators:
        • startswith, endswith and contains

It is also possible to combine filters with logical operators and, or, not and parenthesis.

  • Example of the first pattern
    filterExpr=field1 eq value,field2 ne value
  • Example of the second pattern
  • Example with first pattern, second pattern and or
    filterExpr=startswith(field1,value) or filed3 eq value,contains(field2,value) or field3 eq value
  • Example with not
    filterExpr=not startswith(field1,value) or filed3 eq value,not (contains(field2,value) or field3 eq value)


    "page": 0,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "total": 1,
    "sort": [],
    "content": {
        "headers": [
                "id": "description",
                "name": "Description",
                "type": "string",
                "aggregation": false,
        ===>    "filterable": true,  
                "sortable": true
                "id": "count",
                "name": "Count",
                "type": "integer",
                "aggregation": true,
        ===>    "filterable": false,
                "sortable": true
        "data": [
                "description": "total"
                "count": 50

You can apply multiple filters separated by commas or use the filterExpr parameter multiple times separated by “&”.


filterExpr=opportunity_id eq AA00022475H, opportunity_value gt 50000

filterExpr=opportunity_id eq AA00022475H& 
filterExpr=opportunity_value gt 50000

New strongly-typed filter expression syntax

Described in detail in OData Filtering Syntax

Differences between legacy and new filter expression syntax

New OData Syntax Legacy Syntax
String values should be single quoted '' String values can be unquoted
Date values should be in ISO-8601 format Date formatting follows Celonis date format semantics
Only logical operators and,or,not Comma (,) can be used instead of and operator