Subscription API Error Catalog
This section documents the errors that Subscription API may return (standard error messages are described in Common API Error Catalog).
Subscription to Triggers Endpoints Errors
Returned when | Response | |
Status code | Example | |
Unable to create the subscription to the EMS Trigger. | 400 |
{ "title": "The subscription is not created", "status": 400, "detail": "We could not create the subscription, please retry. If the problem persists, please contact us.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_TRIGGER_FAILED" } |
The uri provided in callbackInfo attribute, is not visible from Celonis
400 |
{ "title": "The provided callback is not reachable", "status": 400, "detail": "We checked the callback uri but it failed.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_CALLBACK_FAILED" } |
You tried to create a subscription but the triggerId parameter is wrong.
404 | { "title": "Trigger not found", "status": 404, "detail": "The trigger Id: XXX wasn't found.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_TRIGGER_NOTFOUND" } |
The uri provided in callbackInfo attribute, is not valid for the given protocol
400 |
{ "title": "The uri is not supported", "status": 400, "detail": "The uri: XXX does not implement the protocol: YYY.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_URI_ILLEGAL" } |
The headers provided in callbackInfo are not valid
400 |
{ "title": "Empty header not allowed.", "status": 400, "detail": "Headers must contain a name and a value.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_EMPTY_HEADER" } |
You tried to access to a subscription but the subscriptionId parameter is wrong.
404 |
{ "title": "Subscription not found", "status": 404, "detail": "The subscription Id: XXX wasn't found.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTFOUND" } |
You tried to manually extract data from a subscription, but the subscriptionId parameter has an illegal status (is Active or Paused).
400 |
{ "title": "Can't extract from subscription.", "status": 400, "detail": "The subscription Id: XXX is Active or Paused.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_CANT_EXTRACT" } |
You tried to execute an action but the subscriptionId parameter has an illegal status (is Suspended).
400 |
{ "title": "Subscription is suspended", "status": 400, "detail": "The subscription Id: XXX is suspended so the action is not allowed.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_SUSPENDED" } |
You tried to execute an action but the subscriptionId parameter has an illegal status for that action.
400 |
{ "title": "Illegal Subscription status", "status": 400, "detail": "The subscription Id: XXX has not valid status for the action.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_ILLEGAL_STATUS" } |
You tried to access to a subscription but you don't have permissions. | 403 |
{ "title": "Subscription access denied", "status": 403, "detail": "Access denied to the subscription Id: XXX.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_ACCESSDENIED" } |
You tried to create a new subscription but your quota is exceeded. | 403 |
{ "title": "The subscription is not created", "status": 403, "detail": "You reached your subscription create limit of XXX. There are YYY subscription created.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" } |
You tried to create or update a subscription but your quantity of headers is exceeded. | 400 |
{ "title": "Header limit exceeded", "status": 400, "detail": "The headers limit were exceeded.", "errorCode": "HEADER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" } |
You tried to create or update a subscription but your size of headers is exceeded. | 400 |
{ "title": "Header limit size exceeded", "status": 400, "detail": "The headers limit size were exceeded.", "errorCode": "HEADER_LIMIT_SIZE_EXCEEDED" } |
You tried to create or update a subscription but your headers contain non-allowed information. | 400 |
{ "title": "Non Allowed Header Found", "status": 400, "detail": "The headers contain non-allowed information.", "errorCode": "NON_ALLOWED_HEADER_FOUND" } |
You tried to create or update a subscription but the name contains special chars that are not allowed. | 400 |
{ "title": "Subscription attribute Name.", "status": 400, "detail": "Name value is not valid.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID_NAME" } |
You tried to create a subscription but something went wrong in the process. | 400 |
{ "title": "We couldn't subscribe.", "status": 400, "detail": "The subscription wasn't able to subscribe, please retry if the problem persist, please contact us.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_UNABLE_CREATE" } |
You tried to delete a subscription but something went wrong in the process. | 400 |
{ "title": "We couldn't unsubscribe", "status": 400, "detail": "The subscription wasn't able to delete, please retry if the problem persist, please contact us.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_UNABLE_DELETE" } |
Not authorized. The operation is allowed only to the subscription owner or administators. | 403 |
{ "title": "Not an allowed user", "status": 403, "detail": "Not allowed: only the subscription owner or team admins can perform this operation.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_FORBIDDEN" } |
Not authorized. The operation is allowed only to the subscription owner or administrators. | 403 |
{ "title": "Not an allowed user", "status": 403, "detail": "Not allowed: only the subscription owner or team admins can perform this operation.", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_FORBIDDEN" } |
Offset is Illegal. The replay operation could not be executed since the offset must be a value between 0 and the latest offset received for the subscription. | 400 |
{ "title": "Offset is illegal", "status": 400, "detail": "The offset: XXX is not available", "errorCode": "SUBSCRIPTION_OFFSET_ILLEGAL" } |
Unexpected server-side error connecting to the Subscription. | 500 |
{ “title”: “Unable to connect to the Subscription”, “status”: 500, “detail”: “We could not connect to the Subscription. Please retry, and if the error persist, please contact to Celonis.“, “errorCode”: “SUBSCRIPTION_FATAL_ERROR” } |
Requesting without a Mandatory parameter,paramName .
400 | { "title": "Missing mandatory parameters: param is mandatory.", "status": 400, "detail": "Missing mandatory parameters", "errorCode": "GENERAL_PARAMETER_MISSING" } |
Passing an empty paramName parameter.
400 | { "title": "Some params have constraint violations.", "status": 400, "detail": "[paramName: size must be between 1 and 200]", "errorCode": "GENERAL_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION" } |
Passing an empty paramName parameter.
400 | { "title": "Value is not supported.", "status": 400, "detail": "Value in paramName field is unsupported", "errorCode": "GENERAL_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION" } |
Sending special characters in the paramName parameter.
400 | { "title": "Special characters are not allowed.", "status": 400, "detail": "Some special characters were found and they are not allowed for querying.", "errorCode": "GENERAL_CHARS_NOTALLOWED" } |
Referencing a non-existing Knowledge Model. | 404 |
{ "title": "Knowledge Model not found.", "status": 404, "detail": "Knowledge Model with id 'XXXX' was not found.", "errorCode": "KM_MODEL_NOTFOUND" } |
Requesting a non-existing field in the sort parameter.
400 | { "title": "Unknown sorting fields", "status": 400, "detail": "These fields don't exist at the given record [test].", "errorCode": "SORT_UNKNOWN_FIELD" } |
Sending an empty sort parameter.
400 | { "title": "Sort parameter error length.", "status": 400, "detail": "Sort parameter should not be empty.", "errorCode": "SORT_IS_EMPTY" } |
Sending, as part of the sort parameter, the same field with opposite sorting criterias.
400 |
{ "title": "Some sort fields have duplicated fields.", "status": 400, "detail": "Sort parameter contains duplicate fields with opposite sorting directions: testField.", "errorCode": "SORT_HAS_OPPOSITE" } |