Intrafind Console Application

Common information

When Celonis Process Management's Intrafind Connector service is connected to a storage, any changes, creations, or deletions of elements in Celonis Process Management will be transmitted to the service and then to Intrafind. Sometimes, you may want to do a full snapshot (full-fetch) of all storage data from scratch with a complete update of Intrafind. That's the use case of the console application.

To be able to use the console application, you need to have a fully configured Intrafind Connector service, connected to at least one storage.

NOTE: The full-fetch operation of the console application is typically an operational aspect managed by Celonis.

How to use the console application

For doing a full-fetch, you will use the console application. The appsettings.json file needs to reflect the basic settings applying to the Intrafind Connector instance you want to manage.

The full-fetch command can then be executed like this:

dotnet.exe Symbio.Service.Intrafind.Console.dll fullfetch -t [database tenant id]

The database tenant id is shown in Celonis Process Management's "storage collection administrative area". Select the storage under Storages and then press CTRL-ALT-D your keyboard.

Any connection issues will be either logged in to the console application or in Celonis Process Management. Contact Celonis Support if you encounter any problems.

Sample fullfetch log entries

2019-02-18 15:53:54.847 +01:00 [INF] #Documents known to Intrafind: 338
2019-02-18 15:53:58.847 +01:00 [INF] 		 Found valid/released 'mainProcess', version 2.0, id '0d12c107-5b73-4afa-9636-cbc1a43f505e' and versionId '5a1db2fc-11ae-4f00-9cb5-5899fc747167'
2019-02-18 15:54:37.321 +01:00 [INF] Count of all known documents to Intrafind: 338; thereof existing only in Intrafind: 0
2019-02-18 15:54:37.321 +01:00 [INF] Deleted 0 out of 0 obsolete Intrafind documents.
2019-02-18 15:54:37.322 +01:00 [INF] 21cea141-b334-4c72-9b0c-bb84b5465a7b: Crawling finished after 00:00:43.5127593'

Each Celonis Process Management element eligible for indexing in Intrafind is logged by "Found valid/released [...]".

Common log file entries

"Crawling session is already running"

Another full fetch was started while a previously started fetch is still running. Only one full fetch is allowed per Celonis Process Management-tenant.

"Starting a crawl session, but no valid Celonis Process Management URL or ApiToken given"

  • Check Intrafind Connector service installation and configuration.
  • Provide a valid Celonis Process Management URL.
  • Try to un-link and then re-link to storage.
  • Check the microservice's database settings.


"Event 'Elements have changed' but connection-state is invalid: [ConnectionState]. Stopping further processing."

The microservice received a changed-event, but for the given reason Celonis Process Management's REST API is not available.

  • Check "external system configuration".
  • Try to unlink and re-link again.
  • Check for previous errors in log file.

Fatal, unrecoverable errors

"Unexpected exception during crawling occurred, stopping."

  • An unrecoverable fatal error occurred during a full-fetch session.
  • Processing was interrupted, and Intrafind documents and Celonis Process Management elements are not in-sync.
  • Information may be deleted from Intrafind document store, until another full-fetch run completed successfully.

"Trying to access Celonis Process Management Api with invalid connection data"

  • Check Intrafind Connector service installation and configuration.
  • Try to unlink and link again to storage.
  • Check microservice's database settings.

"Token role invalid, please check Celonis Process Management configuration"

Check access token configuration in Celonis Process Management. Is a proper token role in "external system configuration" selected?

"No activated token role given, please check Celonis Process Management configuration"

Check access token configuration in Celonis Process Management. Is a proper token role in "external system configuration" selected?

"Could not parse custom attribute '[name]' from ExternalSystem data"

Check the referenced custom attribute in "external system configuration".

"Token role is '[...]', need at least 'Viewer'-role. Please check Celonis Process Management configuration"

  • Token role of "access" was given.
  • Check access token configuration in Celonis Process Management.
  • Is a proper token role in "external system configuration" selected?