Scripted Installation


  • Powershell Version 5.0 or higher. Download WMF 5.0
  • Download the Install.ps1 file from the Operations Page .
  • Download the symbio-service-rendering.parameters.json file from the Operations Page .
  • Open and edit the symbio-service-rendering.parameters.json file.

Replace the settings with your own values:


Name Description
SourcePath The download or local path of the installation package (zip file).
TargetPath The local directory for the Service
NetFrameworkPath The download or local path of the NetFramework installation package (exe).
ServiceSettinigs.ApplicationName The name of your application which should be run as a Windows service, e.g. Service.exe
ServiceSettinigs.ServiceName The name with which the service is registered
ServiceSettinigs.AppConfig The XML node for the AppConfig. Adjust the target urls and the service name so that they are the same as your binding
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings List of bindings
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings.Protocol The HTTP protocol. Only https is supported
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings.Port The port is an integer. The default port for https is 443
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings.HostName The hostname for the binding.
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings.CertificateHash The thumbprint hash of the certificate you want to use. (This is how you get the fingerprint.)
ServiceSettinigs.Bindings.HostUser The hostuser for the binding. This can be a domain user (DOMAIN/User) or use 'everyone' for unknown users

If all settings are corretly set, please start a new powershell console as administrator, change into the directory of the downloaded script, and run the following command:

.\Install.ps1 -ParametersFile .\symbio-service-rendering.parameters.json

nice to know

  • You can omit the specification of the Files parameter by renaming symbio-service-rendering.parameters.json to parameter.json. The script detects the JSON itself, if they are in the same folder.