Reporting Connector


To set up the Reporting Connector you will need either an IIS installation with a current version of the ASP.NET Core Runtime package installed or an Azure App Service ready for deployment. In both cases the service will need access to Celonis Process Management, SSRS and the ODS database. It must also be reachable by the server side component of Celonis Process Management.


Reporting Connector on IIS

  1. Create a directory to host the files of the connector service, e.g. C:\CelonisServices\Reporting\Connector
  2. Copy all files and folders of the service into this directory.
  3. In IIS Manager:
    1. Create a new Application pool (No Managed Code/Integrated) and assign a user account with appropriate rights (Full Control) to the created directory in step 1.
    2. Create a new Application (Web Site) using the created pool and selecting the created directory.
    3. Note the resulting URL (composed of website binding URL and the selected alias/path of the new application).
  4. Configure the Connector by editing its appsettings.config files (can be found among the copied files in step 2).
  5. Test connection to service by navigating to the noted URL.

Reporting Connector as Azure App Service

  1. Deploy the service package
  2. Note the URL of the deployed service
  3. Configure the Connector by editing its app service settings
  4. Test connection to service by navigating to the noted URL


The Connector service has several values that need to be configured for it to function properly. These values can be set in its appsettings.config file (IIS) or the app service settings of Azure.

Setting Meaning
security:authToken The freely defineable token string that Celonis Process Management needs to provide to be allowed access to this connector service instance.
configStore:type Either SqlServer or AzureTableStorage; the type of database server to connect to.
configStore:table The name of the table to manage connector service settings in, e.g. ReportingConfig.
configStore:connection The connection string to use for connecting to a database to store the settings table in. DBO rights (e.g. dbowner or dbdatawriter) are needed to create the table, e.g. Server=localhost;Database=ODS;User ID=ODSWriter;Password=ODSWriterPwd
global:ssrsEndpointUrl The SSRS reporting service endpoint URL noted during SSRS setup with /ReportService2010.asmx appended, e.g.
global:ssrsUserName The name of a user which has management access to the SSRS root folder path given above.
global:ssrsPassword The password of the user named above.
global:ssrsRootFolderPath e.g. CelonisReporting
global:templateName e.g. Template
global:sqlCommandExecutionTimeoutInSeconds The SQL command execution timeout in seconds, e.g. 7200.