SAP Solution Manager Interface Set-up Documentation

This document contains information on how to set-up SAP Solution Manager service and configure Celonis Process Management so it can use it.

SAP Solution Manager Requirements


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1. Service set-up

  1. Create a SQL Server database which will be used by the service as a configStore.
  2. In that database create a table dbo.settings with columns: Key(nvarchar(1024), null) and Value(nvarchar(max), null).
  3. In appsettings.json set the following configuration:
        "ConfigStoreConnection": "Server=[SERVERNAME];Database=[DATABASENAME];Trusted_Connection=True;",
        "ConfigStoreTableName": "settings",
        "Serilog": {
            "MinimumLevel": "Verbose",
            "WriteTo": [
                    "Name": "File",
                    "Args": {
                    "path": "Logs\\log.txt",
                    "rollingInterval": "Day"
        "AllowedHosts": "*"
  4. (Optional) Set sensitive data in user secrets. (in development "ConfigStoreConnection").
  5. (Optional) Change Serilog settings in appsetting.json if needed.

2. Setting SAP Solution Manager run on premise

Step two is needed only if the SAP Solution Manager micro-service is installed on premise. Here it will be explained how to set up the SAP Solution Manager micro-service on IIS to run on an on premise solution. Prerequisites for setting SAP Solution Manager interface on premise:

  1. Running Celonis Process Management instance(1904 or higher)
  2. Valid relational database connection string for a database the micro-service can use. An empty database has to be created manually.
  3. Accessible SAP Solution Manager instance https://{ip}:{port}/sap/opu/odata/sap/processmanagement/ with provided valid certificate
  4. Provided valid certificate for SAP Solution Manager interface. Who is responsible for this?
  5. For the machine where the micro-service will run we need .Net Core Hosting bundle (for .Net core 3.1 applications) installed
  6. Powershell version 5 or higher (so we can run the install script)

2.1 Get zip file of a micro-service build

You can get it on the Celonis Process Management world FTP server.

2.2 Configure the parameters json to create application site

Download the parameters json from here: Parameters.json will be used by the powershell script called Install.ps1.

Open the parameters.json

The following parameters should be changed:

"SourcePath": - path to your zip file of the micro-service 
"BaseTargetPath": - path to where the script will be unzipped
"InstanceName" : - should be Symbio-Service-SolMan
        "SiteName": - should be Symbio-Service-SolMan
        "ApplicationPoolName": - should be Symbio-Service-SolMan
        "ApplicationPoolUser": - should be the current user example (INT\username)
        "ApplicationPoolPassword": - should be the user password
            "Protocol": "https"
            "Port": - use available port
            "HostName": - give it a wanted hostname
            "CertificateHash": - provide the certificate hash you want to use ( found in the iis -Server Certificates. It should be in local machine , personal or trusted root )
            "CertificateCN" : - provide name of certificate (found in the iis -Server Certificates)
    "ConfigStoreConnection": - give right connection string to the database( you have to create the database yourself)

2.3 Run the script

Turn on Powershell. Navigate to the folder where you script is. Run the command : Set-ExecutionPolicy Provide the parameter called Execution policy : unrestricted.

Then run the following line: ./Install.ps1 -ParametersFile symbio-service-solman.parameters.json

This will create the application pool and site for the micro-service.

To check if the site is working your can call this request from your browser https://{domain}:{port}/api/values it should return a simple response just to make sure its working.

2.4 Set the SAP Solution Manager certificate to be trusted

The client should provide te valid certificates for the SAP Solution Manager micro-service and for the SAP Solution Manager API.

If for some reason the client cant provide the certificates, in order for the micro-service to work he has to communicate with SAP Solution Manager API. SAP Solution Manager API could have a certificate that is not trusted so you have to export it to your computer and then put it into the MMC -> Certificates-> Trusted Root Certification Authorities. This way the connection will be safe.