Limitations and precaution

Here the limits of SAP Solution Manager connector will be listed and explained. Limits can be some actions from the end user that can lead to data loss.

1. Deleting attached Best practice task to a task in Celonis Process Management

In Celonis Process Management an sub process is created with simple content. Test

There are two possibilities, to attach an best practice task to a task or to not.

Task has a bpt attached in Celonis Process Management


Then the sub process is synchronized to SAP Solution Manager.



Task doesn't have a best practice task attached

Test Then the sub process is synchronized to SAP Solution Manager. The task on the SAP Solution Manager side will have a reference to the dummy process step original that represents a placeholder for all tasks that are synchronized to SAP Solution Manager and do not have a Best practice task attached. Test

In both cases now that the sub process has been synchronized to SAp Solution Manager, an SAP user can change the targets/references of the task. Specially if the task is attached to the dummy process step original. That leads to the first limitation: After synchronizing an task with or without a best practice task attached to it, it is recommended that the connection between the task and best practice tasks does not change. If it changes ( best practice task is deleted), and a new synchronization of a sub process task occurs from Celonis Process Management to SAP Solution Manager there can be data loss on SAp Solution Manager side if somebody in the meantime has done some changes of references on SAP Solution Manager side.

There is also a notification about this in Celonis Process Management. Test

2. Changing target on process tep reference in SAP Solution Manager

When you have synchronized a sub process that has a task two things can happen.

Task has a bpt attached in Celonis Process Management

In this case once synchronized the task will also have a process step reference referencing the process step original that represents the corresponding best practice task.

Task doesn't have a best practice task attached

In this case a Dummy process step reference will reference to a dummy process step original, which acts like a placeholder that should be changed with a real process step original.

In both cases on SAP Solution Manager side you can change the task reference to a process step original. That can be done by selecting the task and right click. Then clicking change target. Then you choose the real process step original and now the task will reference a real process step original. Test

But this change isn't automatically synchronized to Celonis Process Management. It can be done by consolidating SAP Solution Manager and Celonis Process Management by clicking on the "Synchronize SAP Step Library Objects to Celonis Process Management". This button synchronizes all global elements and then checks if there were any changes regarding the connections between tasks and best practice tasks and changes the connection if necessary. Test Test

But if the consolidation is not done and the same sub process is synchronized to SAP Solution Manager again, all the changes made on SAP Solution Manager side in the mean time will be deleted which would lead to data loss. So if you want your target changes to be noticed on Celonis Process Management side you first have to consolidate before synchronizing the process again to SAP Solution Manager. The consolidation takes some time so it is recommended that first all targets are changed on SAP Solution Manager side, and then consolidation will take care of every change.

Document synchronization

Documents can be created on both sides. When synchronizing an sub process that has a Celonis Process Management document attached then the document wil also be synchronized. When synchronizing global elements from SAP Solution Manager to Celonis Process Management the SAp Solution Manager documents will be synchronized. Documents can also be deleted on both sides.

Deleting a document on Celonis Process Management side.

SAP Solution Manager document cant be deleted in Celonis Process Management. But a connection between a process facet element (sub process, main process and task) and a document ( both documents from Celonis Process Management and SAP Solution Manager) can. This means that if you delete a document, and synchronize a sub process to SAP Solution Manager, this document will be deleted on the SAP Solution Manager side also.

Deleting a document on SAP Solution Manager side

When deleting a document on SAP Solution Manager side same thing happens as with deleting Best practice tasks. You have to consolidate the changes back to Celonis Process Management not to get overridden by the new Celonis Process Management synchronization. If you delete a document on SAP Solution Manager side( both a document created in Celonis Process Management or SAP Solution Manager) the connections between process facet elements (main process, sub process and task) are going to be deleted.