Introduction to SAP Solution Manager Connector

In the following article, the recommended way to use the service is explained. Of course, you are free to use the service in a way that best suit your needs.

Recommended way to use the SAP Solution Manager Connector

The recommendation is to use interface following the synchronization process that contains of four steps:

  1. Synchronize the SAP Best Practice template processes from SAP Solution Manager to Celonis Process Management
  2. Copy processes to specific processes in Celonis Process Management
  3. Edit processes to best suit your needs
  4. Synchronize modified processes back to SAP Solution Manager

The following picture represent the whole process with four steps:


1. Synchronize the SAP Best Practice template processes from SAP Solution Manager to Celonis Process Management

First step should be, to synchronize some processes from SAP Solution Manager to Celonis Process Management. You can synchronize either a small scope or the full process structure. These elements are readonly in Celonis Process Management. The main idea is that these processes serve as a template, so user can edit them in Celonis Process Management and adjust to the real company processes.

2. Copy processes to specific processes in Celonis Process Management

Second step is to copy the processes in Celonis Process Management, from the SAP Best Practice package group to the dedicated companies processes. By copying these elements to the new processes, these elements become available for editing in Celonis Process Management.

3. Edit processes to best suit your needs

Once you have your processes copied in Celonis Process Management, now you are available to change them. You can use Celonis Process Management to add new elements, edit the current ones, remove some elements. You can use the library elements from SAP Solution Manager, that can also be synchronized to Celonis Process Management, or you can add new element that are created in Celonis Process Management. In this way you adjust SAP Solution Manager processes, and create your own, which are based on the SAPs ones.

4. Synchronize modified processes back to SAP Solution Manager

Finally, when processes are edited and ready to be used, you can synchronize it back to SAP Solution Manager. If configured this synchronization can occur on process release in Celonis Process Management, or architect can synchronize it manually.